Travelin’ from New Orleans to Lopez

Alright, here is a ridiculous amount of photos from my trip from New Orleans all the way  up the west coast to Lopez Island off the coast of Washington State.

Here we go!

Where the hell I have been for nearly a year?


Well…I left New Orleans because it was definitely time, I took a ridiculous roadtrip across the country and back across the country and up to a tiny island off  Washington State and then back to New York at the end of it…

I’m telling you, it was ridiculous…so i’m going to put a couple of galleries up to show you what’s been going on…

Suffice it to say, I am back home in New York and attempting to figure out the next steps of my life.  I’ve applied to the DGA training program, I got through the first round and now I have a Big Scary Test that I am going to take on Saturday.  This would be an amazing thing to be able to do, the idea of having not only the next 2 years, but mostly the rest of my life figured out is insanely appealing.

Until then, I must start sewing and creating…I’ve not been doing enough of that.  At all.

So, yeah, here we go!

Good Day

So yesterday I basically spent 7 hours in the studio producing items. 5 handmade flannel ties, screen printed and one jersey vest nearly finished. Like 90% there.

I still want to finish 2 dresses and a bunch of tanks but it was a great day.

Some day I would love for it to pay off to do that every day…

I just have to figure out how to make this week work. I’m gonna have to so a bunch of late studio nights me thinks….

What a wonderful conundrum to face 🙂

It’s been a while!

My it’s been a while. Quite a lot has changed and nothing as changed at the same time. Funny how life is that way.

Markey park has closed as a dog park permanently and a people park for a few months while renovations happen. It’s been quite the upheaval in my schedule and I’m still getting used to it. However, Cabrini park in the quarter is quite nice and it allows me to get Holden used to the car again. Which is very important due to the very serious road trip I’m going to undertake in May. A further post on that…

Yesterday between dog park, mail waiting and drinks with Rebecca, I got 3/4 of the way through 5 ties for the night market next Saturday.

I’m ridiculously excited and very ambitious. 5 ties, 2 dresses (in addition to whatever I have at Bon Castor) and an array of up cycled t-shirts.

I think it will be good.

Pictures to come!

Venus In Fur

So the brilliant Ashley Brett Chipman and I were lucky enough to land a gig filming an ad for Southern Rep Theater‘s production of Venus In Fur.

It was of course, amazing to work with Miz Ashley again and I am excited to do it in the future, many many times. We are just looking for a new story…hmmm…

Anyway, I wanted to post the adspot here just in case anyone is paying attention or is interested in watching it!


Venus In Fur from Flying Pie on Vimeo.

Mardi Gras Explanation

So this year, my Mardi Gras was a complete fail. I was just not feeling it, and when I went to put my dress on, it just didn’t fit right. The skirt was wonderful but the top didn’t lay right.


I guess this is why people do fittings…oh well.

It’s fine, I’m a perfectionist. It looked pretty on the dress form though..

Studio day!

Today is my studio day! I’m gonna get some Panang curry (Thai hot thank you very much…) and head to the studio.

It’s reorganization day for sure, move the main desk, pull a large table into the room, make the studio a pleasanter and more organized space. Then to finish my costume, tailor a new dress for Saturday. Maybe I will get a black wig. I’m also thinking about more ear piercings…not the creative blog I was intending. Oh well!

Hopefully I will have some pieces to show soon. Also I need a business plan. A better one. Gotta figure out this whole Internet selling thing…wanna make this thing I do lucrative at least a little…

Good luck to me?!

Alas and alack

So today I’m not going to have the time to get into the studio. I barely have time to take Holden to the park. (Where he is acting like a scaredy cat and all grumpy)

This weekend was great. A decent amount done on my costume, a tutu finished (yay) and I think I’m gonna try to make a giant fabric rose. We shall see…

Ah well, tomorrow in the studio is another day. Until then, here’s my tutu!
